Saturday 11 July 2009

Spanking Machine

A self propelled approach to a spanking machine. Does it work in real life ? There doesn't seem to be any incentive to pedal


  1. No, no - there is EVERY incentive to keep pedalling.

    The “RUBBIDIDUB” Patent Reducer (Guaranteed to keep the trainee pedalling at full speed when the trainer’s back is turned) is John Willie's design for a spanking bicycle.

    This is essentially an exercise cycle attached to a motorised whipping post. When switched on, the victim's pedalling results in a governor breaking contact. In other words, if the victim slows (or stops) pedalling then the contact closes and the motor starts the vertical set of thin whips revolving. Nasty!

    The text halfway down on the right, points out that the whips are set at different angles to cover the whole of the target area; to judge by the picture, this includes the upper thighs. Even nastier!

    Has anyone ever found a better copy of this on the internet with the instructions more clearly legible?

  2. Hi Chris, for whatever reason I completely missed your comment on here. Thank-you so much for this information and I hope you will continue to enlighten me as I add more entries.
